Abolizionismo 1.1: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Zeile 16: Zeile 16:
There were three three types of abolitions: ex lege, privata, publica. They were rather important legal institutions, especially the abolitio publica. They had the function of reducing the burden of unresolved cases in the overstrained criminal justice system of Ancient Rome, and the second function of making people thankful to the magnanimity of the Emperor, i.e. the abolitiones publicae were quite an effective means of legitimizing the respective rulers. People were liberated by abolition for the purpose of more effective domination of the general public. This double function continued after the fall of the Roman Empire.  
There were three three types of abolitions: ex lege, privata, publica. They were rather important legal institutions, especially the abolitio publica. They had the function of reducing the burden of unresolved cases in the overstrained criminal justice system of Ancient Rome, and the second function of making people thankful to the magnanimity of the Emperor, i.e. the abolitiones publicae were quite an effective means of legitimizing the respective rulers. People were liberated by abolition for the purpose of more effective domination of the general public. This double function continued after the fall of the Roman Empire.  
There was a continuation of the so called right of abolition until the end of the era of absolute monarchies in Europe (1648-1789). An example was the abolition granted to the sculptor Benvenuto Cellini by pope Paul III (in 1534).
There was a continuation of the so called right of abolition until the end of the era of absolute monarchies in Europe (1648-1789). An example was the abolition granted to the sculptor Benvenuto Cellini by pope Paul III (in 1534).
:Typisch war die Verbindung eines sehr strengen Strafrechts mit einer großzügigen Gnadenpraxis. Insbesondere der Amtsantritt eines neuen Kaisers war regelmäßig Anlaß, um eine Amnestie und eine abolitio publica zu verkünden. Das steigerte die Beliebtheit des Herrschers. Mit der abolitio publica wurden alle Anklagen (mit Ausnahme schwerster Verbrechensvorwürfe) von Staats aus Anlass eines Festes oder freudigen Ereignisses vom Senat (oder vom Kaiser) aufgehoben. Ehebruchsverfahren gegen inhaftierte Sklaven wurden allerdings trotz einer abolitio publica weitergeführt und in Untersuchungshaft befindliche Sklaven waren von abolitiones sowieso ausgenommen. Am stärksten profitierten von den Abolitionen die Angehörigen der Oberschicht.
=== Nel Vecchio Regime ===

In the Ancien Régime, the right of abolition was incorporated in the royal lettres de justice; lettres de cachet and lettres d’abolition.
In the Ancien Régime, the right of abolition was incorporated in the royal lettres de justice; lettres de cachet and lettres d’abolition.
Sealed royal letters contained orders that could not be subjected to any legal process, i.e. they were absolute and finite decisions. They were instruments for all kinds of interests. In 1680, e.g., the Comédie Française was founded by an order contained in a lettre de cachet. Today, they are best known for their politically repressive function. One of the reasons for this was the campaign against the lettres de cachet started by French philosopher and writer Voltaire.   
Sealed royal letters contained orders that could not be subjected to any legal process, i.e. they were absolute and finite decisions. They were instruments for all kinds of interests. In 1680, e.g., the Comédie Française was founded by an order contained in a lettre de cachet. Today, they are best known for their politically repressive function. One of the reasons for this was the campaign against the lettres de cachet started by French philosopher and writer Voltaire.   
These letters became a prominent symbol of the abuses of the monarchy, and as such were suppressed during the French Revolution. This obscures the fact that their primary function was social, not political, and that the kings themselves tried to curtail their inflationary use. From 1741 to 1775, there were almost 20 000 such letters. In Brittany, the yearly average went from 10 between 1735 and 1750 to 20 to 40 between 1778 and 1789. Political questions were only touched upon by some 5% of all such letters.  
These letters became a prominent symbol of the abuses of the monarchy, and as such were suppressed during the French Revolution. This obscures the fact that their primary function was social, not political, and that the kings themselves tried to curtail their inflationary use. From 1741 to 1775, there were almost 20 000 such letters. In Brittany, the yearly average went from 10 between 1735 and 1750 to 20 to 40 between 1778 and 1789. Political questions were only touched upon by some 5% of all such letters.
The so called lettres d‘abolition freed accused persons from all legal proceedings, but in spite of this liberating character of theirs they attracted the same kind of dislike as the other lettres de cachet.  
The so called lettres d‘abolition freed accused persons from all legal proceedings, but in spite of this liberating character of theirs they attracted the same kind of dislike as the other lettres de cachet.  
Ordonnance criminelle 1670 (title 16, Des lettres d'abolition, rémission, pardon, pour ester à droit, rappel de ban ou de galères, commutation de peine, réhabilitation et révision de procès).: Lettres d'abolition sont celles que le roi remet à l'auteur d'un crime non rémissible et par lesquelles le roi abolit la peine dont l'auteur du crime est passible. L'article 4 du titre 16 dispose qu'il ne sera pas accordé de lettre d'abolition en cas de duel, d'assassinat, de rapt avec violence ou encore d'excès contre les magistrats ou auxiliaires de justice, ni aux principaux coupables, ni à ceux qui les auraient aidés.

Ordonnance criminelle de 1670 (title 16, Des lettres d'abolition, rémission, pardon, pour ester à droit, rappel de ban ou de galères, commutation de peine, réhabilitation et révision de procès):
:''Lettres d'abolition sont celles que le roi remet à l'auteur d'un crime non rémissible et par lesquelles le roi abolit la peine dont l'auteur du crime est passible. L'article 4 du titre 16 dispose qu'il ne sera pas accordé de lettre d'abolition en cas de duel, d'assassinat, de rapt avec violence ou encore d'excès contre les magistrats ou auxiliaires de justice, ni aux principaux coupables, ni à ceux qui les auraient aidés.

Diritto Romano: tra dei tre tipi della istituzione della ''abolitio'' - ex lege, privata e publica - il ultimo era lo più importante.  
Diritto Romano: tra dei tre tipi della istituzione della ''abolitio'' - ex lege, privata e publica - il ultimo era lo più importante.  
:Typisch war die Verbindung eines sehr strengen Strafrechts mit einer großzügigen Gnadenpraxis. Insbesondere der Amtsantritt eines neuen Kaisers war regelmäßig Anlaß, um eine Amnestie und eine abolitio publica zu verkünden. Das steigerte die Beliebtheit des Herrschers. Mit der abolitio publica wurden alle Anklagen (mit Ausnahme schwerster Verbrechensvorwürfe) von Staats aus Anlass eines Festes oder freudigen Ereignisses vom Senat (oder vom Kaiser) aufgehoben. Ehebruchsverfahren gegen inhaftierte Sklaven wurden allerdings trotz einer abolitio publica weitergeführt und in Untersuchungshaft befindliche Sklaven waren von abolitiones sowieso ausgenommen. Am stärksten profitierten von den Abolitionen die Angehörigen der Oberschicht.

Il termine abolizionismo può referirse tanto a un fenomeno storico-politico (l'abolizione della schiavitù nei seculi diciottesimo e dicianovesimo) quanto, genericamente, a ogni movimiento e ogni concetto teorico che ha come obiettivo di superare alcune istituzioni del diritto considerate repressive e ingiuste.  
Il termine abolizionismo può referirse tanto a un fenomeno storico-politico (l'abolizione della schiavitù nei seculi diciottesimo e dicianovesimo) quanto, genericamente, a ogni movimiento e ogni concetto teorico che ha come obiettivo di superare alcune istituzioni del diritto considerate repressive e ingiuste.  
