Travis Hirschi: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Keine Änderung der Größe ,  17:13, 3. Apr. 2015
Zeile 32: Zeile 32:
*[ Lilly, J. Robert; Francis T. Cullen; Richard A. Ball (2015) Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences. Chapter 6: The Complexity of Control. Hirschi’s Two Theories and Beyond. Thousand Oaks, London ..., Sage 6th ed.: 114-148]
*[ Lilly, J. Robert; Francis T. Cullen; Richard A. Ball (2015) Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences. Chapter 6: The Complexity of Control. Hirschi’s Two Theories and Beyond. Thousand Oaks, London ..., Sage 6th ed.: 114-148]

:Relatedly, although Gottfredson and Hirschi may have identified a crucial link in the chain of conditions causing crime, they remained silent on the larger structural conditions that might affect family well-being, the ability to deliver quality parenting, and the inculcation of self-control. Currie (1985) called this omission the “fallacy of
:Relatedly, although Gottfredson and Hirschi may have identified a crucial link in the chain of conditions causing crime, they remained silent on the larger structural conditions that might affect family well-being, the ability to deliver quality parenting, and the inculcation of self-control. Currie (1985) called this omission the “fallacy of autonomy—the belief that what goes on inside the family can usefully be separated
autonomy—the belief that what goes on inside the family can usefully be separated
from the forces that affect it from outside: the larger social context in which families
from the forces that affect it from outside: the larger social context in which families
are embedded for better or for worse” (p. 185). A more complete understanding of
are embedded for better or for worse” (p. 185). A more complete understanding of
