Restorative Justice: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

3.191 Bytes entfernt ,  17:15, 17. Jun. 2009
Zeile 99: Zeile 99:
2. Die Verschmelzung von Mediation und Strafrecht (vgl. Andrew von Hirsch et al. 2003) könnte das Schlechteste von beiden Welten verknüpfen. Anthony Duff z.B. erklärt, dass der Zweck der Mediation durchaus in der Zufügung von Leid bestehe - nur sei das Leid eben ein Spezifisches, das aus der Anerkennung von Schuld folge.  
2. Die Verschmelzung von Mediation und Strafrecht (vgl. Andrew von Hirsch et al. 2003) könnte das Schlechteste von beiden Welten verknüpfen. Anthony Duff z.B. erklärt, dass der Zweck der Mediation durchaus in der Zufügung von Leid bestehe - nur sei das Leid eben ein Spezifisches, das aus der Anerkennung von Schuld folge.  

3. Professionalisierung.
3. Professionalisierung. Immer mehr junge Menschen sind hochqualifiziert für noch unspezifizierte Tätigkeiten - wie etwa in dem sich anbietenden Mediationsgeschäft.  

One driving force behind the professionalization is the recent explosion in higher education. An increasing part of the population is taking high school or university exams, often of an unspecified type. This means that they are highly educated for tasks not yet specified. Mediation is an obvious possibility for future jobs. It is a territory not yet occupied, except by lawyers. Conflicts are the new land of promise, - entrepreneurs arrive, create training courses, establish firms, – and little by little a new profession comes into being, a profession of mediators. One more speciality. I warned against lawyers here in Sheffield 30 years ago, and called them professional thieves. They still are, but are now followed by a flock of top-educated generalists on the outlook for challenging tasks that may be possible to convert to paid work.
4. Die Buchhalter und ihre Verwandten. Jahresberichte über Mediation sprechen von Tätern und Opfern, von gelösten und nicht gelösten Fällen und so weiter - d.h. sie nutzen eine Terminologie, die sich mit der Hauptidee der Mediation - nämlich der Generierung zahlloser unterschiedlicher Bedeutungen - nicht verträgt. Buchhalter haben Verwandte in den Sozialwissenschaften: dort sucht man nach Effizienz, Zahlen, Statistiken.  

With professionlization of the activity, we experience one more challenge which is removed from civil society. One more of those tasks that folks of all sorts could unite around are taken away. We will hear that professional mediators know best, and we abdicate. Soon there are no tasks left in the neighbourhood, and we can safely retreat to privacy and leave everything else to experts. They certainly know what is best. But mediation is only one example of a general development. With the explosion in higher education, a great number of activities are taken away from ordinary folks.
5. Internationale Strafgerichte - ein Rückschlag für die Friedensarbeit. Von Nürnberg bis zu den jüngsten UN-Strafgerichten haben die großen Verfahren nicht mehr gebracht als zu behaupten, dass Bestrafung die natürliche Folge von schrecklichen Handlungen sei. Solche Gerichte verlängern Konflikte. Sie verhindern eine breitere historische und sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektive.
4. Die Buchhalter und ihre Verwandten
With growth come the bookkeepers. We need to know what goes on. And the bookkeepers need concepts for what they are counting. I met this problem in the very first annual reports from our state system for mediation in Norway. I met concepts as “offender” and “victims”, and also reports on cases “solved” or “not solved”. But this terminology goes against the central ideas in mediation. At the core of a mediative process lies the intention to bring variations in meanings up in the open, and thereby also open for changes in the meaning given to the acts by one or both parties.
Bookkeepers have relatives among social scientists. Discussing mediation, one is nearly always met with the questions on efficiency. But this is a narrowly conceived efficiency. How many conflicts are solved? Or, if cases are taken over from police or prosecutors, as it to some extent is possible to do in Norway, questions are raised about recidivism rates. What happens later in these cases? How many are registered anew with the police, how many end up in prison?
5. International Penal Courts – a setback for peace making
But my time is soon out. So also is the whole conference. I will therefore limit myself to an authoritarian provocation, claiming that the International Penal Courts represent a setback for the basic ideas of peace making and ideals of restorative justice. From the Nuremberg courts after World War II and up to the present UN penal courts for Yugoslavia and Rwanda, these courts have strengthened the idea that punishment is the only natural answer to atrocities, that impunity is unacceptable, and that some selected persons ought to receive a maximum of intended pain to make things right. International penal courts prevent us from seeing the conflicts in a broader and politically relevant perspective. They also prolong ongoing conflicts, as exemplified in Uganda just these days where “Britain has been accused of hindering attempts to end the 20 years civil war in northern Uganda by insisting that leading rebels be arrested and tried for war crimes”.  Similar problems appeared in conflicts inside the old Yugoslavia. International penal courts are also in danger of blocking the way for establishing commissions for peace and reconciliation. In the fight for human rights and decency, it is as if Amnesty International and other pressure groups willingly accept – and thereby give increased credibility to – those tools for pain-delivery they usually detest. Their flat acceptance of International penal courts is a setback for attempts to move conflicts from institutions for pain-delivery over to institutions for mediation.

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