Louk Hulsman: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Zeile 49: Zeile 49:
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1982), “Penal Reform in the Netherlands. Part 2 − Criteria for Deciding on Alternatives to Imprisonment”. Howard Journal of Penology and Crime Prevention, 21, 1, pp. 35-47.
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1982), “Penal Reform in the Netherlands. Part 2 − Criteria for Deciding on Alternatives to Imprisonment”. Howard Journal of Penology and Crime Prevention, 21, 1, pp. 35-47.
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1983), On the Relation between Social Control inside and outside Criminal Justice, Report at the International Congress on Criminology, Wien, 1983.
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1983), On the Relation between Social Control inside and outside Criminal Justice, Report at the International Congress on Criminology, Wien, 1983.
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1984), Sexual Behaviour and Attitudes and their Implications for Criminal Law, Fifteenth Criminological Research
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1984), Sexual Behaviour and Attitudes and their Implications for Criminal Law, Fifteenth Criminological Research Conference of the Council of Europe (22-25 Nov.1982). General Report and Conclusions, Proceedings of the Conference, Council of Europe, Strassbourg.
Conference of the Council of Europe (22-25 Nov.1982). General Report and Conclusions, Proceedings of the Conference, Council of Europe, Strassbourg.
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1984), together with others, Toward a Victim Policy in Europe HEUNI Publ., series 2, Helsinki pp. 1-14; pp. 224-227.
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1984), together with others, Toward a Victim Policy in Europe HEUNI publications,series 2, Helsinki pp. 1-14 and pp. 224-227.
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1984), together with others, Report on the Discussions and Proposed Resolutions, Actes du Colloque international de l’A.I.D.P. (Tokyo 1984), Revue internationale de droit pénal, 54, 3, “Déjudiciarisation et médiation”, pp.1179-1197.
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1984), together with others, Report on the Discussions and Proposed Resolutions, Actes du Colloque international de
l’A.I.D.P. (Tokyo 1984), Revue internationale de droit pénal, 54, 3, “Déjudiciarisation et médiation”, pp.1179-1197.
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1985), “Conflicts as Property: Fear of Crime, Criminal Justice and the Caring Community, in J.A.YODER (ed), Support
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1985), “Conflicts as Property: Fear of Crime, Criminal Justice and the Caring Community, in J.A.YODER (ed), Support
Networks in a Caring Community, Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhof.
Networks in a Caring Community, Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhof.
Zeile 59: Zeile 57:
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1986), “Critical Criminology and the Concept of Crime”, in Contemporary Crisis,10, pp. 63-80.276
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1986), “Critical Criminology and the Concept of Crime”, in Contemporary Crisis,10, pp. 63-80.276
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1986), “Critical Criminology and the Concepts of Crime”, in H. BIANCHI and R. VAN SWAANINGEN (eds), Towards a Non-Repressive Approach to Crime, Amsterdam.
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1986), “Critical Criminology and the Concepts of Crime”, in H. BIANCHI and R. VAN SWAANINGEN (eds), Towards a Non-Repressive Approach to Crime, Amsterdam.
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1989), “The Right of the Victim not to be subordinated to the Dynamics of Criminal Justice”, in Z.P. SEPAROVIC (ed),
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1989), “The Right of the Victim not to be subordinated to the Dynamics of Criminal Justice”, in Z.P. SEPAROVIC (ed), Victimology, International Action and Study of the Victims, Zagreb. vol. 1, pp. 25-35.
Victimology, International Action and Study of the Victims, Zagreb. vol. 1, pp. 25-35.
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1991), “The Abolitionist Case: Alternative Crime Policies”, in Israel Law Review, 25, 3-4, Summer-Autumn, pp 681-709.
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1991), “The Abolitionist Case: Alternative Crime Policies”, in Israel Law Review, 25, 3-4, Summer-Autumn, pp 681-709.
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1996), in a discussion with others, (Cayley David i.a.) in a program of the Canadian broadcasting corporation “Ideas on Prison and its Alternatives”, The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC Radio-P.O. Box 500 Station A-Toronto, Ontario) pp.1-99.
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1996), in a discussion with others, (Cayley David i.a.) in a program of the Canadian broadcasting corporation “Ideas on Prison and its Alternatives”, The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC Radio-P.O. Box 500 Station A-Toronto, Ontario) pp.1-99.
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1998), “Struggles about Terminology: ‘Problematic Situation’ versus Crime”, in YVES CARTUYVELS, FRANÇOISE
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1998), “Struggles about Terminology: ‘Problematic Situation’ versus Crime”, in YVES CARTUYVELS, FRANÇOISE DIGNEFFE, PIRES ALVARO, ROBERT PHILIPPE (eds), Politique,police et justice au bord du futur. Mélanges pour et avec Lode van Outrive, pp. 45-56 , Paris et Montreal, l’Harmattan.
DIGNEFFE, PIRES ALVARO, ROBERT PHILIPPE (eds), Politique,police et justice au bord du futur. Mélanges pour et avec Lode van Outrive, pp. 45-56 , Paris et Montreal, l’Harmattan.


*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1970), “Le choix de la sanction pénale”, in Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé, 25, 3, pp. 497-545.
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1970), “Le choix de la sanction pénale”, in Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé, 25, 3, pp. 497-545.
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1975), “Défense sociale nouvelle et critères de décriminalisation”, in Aspects nouveaux de la pensée juridique
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1975), “Défense sociale nouvelle et critères de décriminalisation”, in Aspects nouveaux de la pensée juridique. Recueil d’études en hommage à Marc Ancel, Paris, Pedone, pp. 20-35.
Recueil d’études en hommage à Marc Ancel, Paris, Pedone, pp. 20-35.
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1975), “Défense sociale nouvelle et critères de décriminalisation”, in Aspects nouveaux de la pensée juridique. Recueil d’études en hommage à Marc Ancel, II, Paris, Pedone, pp. 19-33.
*HULSMAN L.H.C, (1975), “Défense sociale nouvelle et critères de décriminalisation”, in Aspects nouveaux de la pensée juridique
Recueil d’études en hommage à Marc Ancel, II, Paris, Pedone, pp. 19-33.
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1977), “L’évolution de la peine de l’emprisonnement aux Pays Bas”, in Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie, 57, pp.865-879 (sept 1977).
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1977), “L’évolution de la peine de l’emprisonnement aux Pays Bas”, in Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie, 57, pp.865-879 (sept 1977).
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1978), “Trafic routier et système pénal. Quelques réflections de politique criminelle”, in Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé (numero spécial Les infractions routières), 33, 2, pp. 237-262 .
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1978), “Trafic routier et système pénal. Quelques réflections de politique criminelle”, in Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé (numero spécial Les infractions routières), 33, 2, pp. 237-262 .
Zeile 91: Zeile 85:
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1983), “Abolire il sistema penale?” (Intervista a … con la partecipazione di Lolita Aniyar De Castro, Alessandro Baratta, Pio Marconi, Realino Marra, Massimo Pavarini), in Dei delitti e delle pene, 1, pp. 71-89.
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1983), “Abolire il sistema penale?” (Intervista a … con la partecipazione di Lolita Aniyar De Castro, Alessandro Baratta, Pio Marconi, Realino Marra, Massimo Pavarini), in Dei delitti e delle pene, 1, pp. 71-89.
*HULSMAN L.H.C., BERNAT DE CELIS J., POLITOFF S., (1984), Sistema penal y seguridad ciudadana, Barcelona, Ariel.
*HULSMAN L.H.C., BERNAT DE CELIS J., POLITOFF S., (1984), Sistema penal y seguridad ciudadana, Barcelona, Ariel.
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1984), La politica de drogas: Fuente de problemas y vehiculo de colonización y represión, en Trigesimo quinto courso
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1984), La politica de drogas: Fuente de problemas y vehiculo de colonización y represión, en Trigesimo quinto courso international de criminologia (société internationale de criminologie) Proceedings, Quito.
international de criminologia (société internationale de criminologie) Proceedings, Quito.
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1993), “El enfoque abolitionista: politicas criminals alternatives”, en Criminologia critica y control social. El poder punitivo del Estado, Rosario, Editorial Juris.
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1993), “El enfoque abolitionista: politicas criminals alternatives”, en Criminologia critica y control social. El poder punitivo del Estado, Rosario, Editorial Juris.
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1993), BERNAT DE CELIS J., KARAN MARIA LUCIA, Penas Perdidas,O Sistema Penal em Questao, Luam, Niteroii.
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1993), BERNAT DE CELIS J., KARAN MARIA LUCIA, Penas Perdidas,O Sistema Penal em Questao, Luam, Niteroi.
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (march 1996), “Prevencion del delito y nuevas formas de justicia”, Quadernos d’estudis I documentacio, Barcelona.
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (march 1996), “Prevencion del delito y nuevas formas de justicia”, Quadernos d’estudis I documentacio, Barcelona.
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1997), trad. Alejandra Vallespir, Pensar en clave abolicionista, Cinap (Centro universitario de la carcel de Caseros), Buenos Aires.
*HULSMAN L.H.C., (1997), trad. Alejandra Vallespir, Pensar en clave abolicionista, Cinap (Centro universitario de la carcel de Caseros), Buenos Aires.
