Entorpecentes: o mais engraçado é que ...: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

keine Bearbeitungszusammenfassung
Zeile 93: Zeile 93:
quais principios: rechtsgut; rechte dritter, ...  für eine pracit
quais principios: rechtsgut; rechte dritter, ...  für eine pracit

== O mais engraçado: a solução diante dos nossos olhos ==

4. o mais eng é que o contrário é a verdade. seugir o estade de direito resolveria os problemas. evitaria reaktanz.  RX: estima a queda de tensão na linha através de seu modelo equivalente série,
=== Principios existem ===
o mais eng é que o contrário é a verdade. seugir o estade de direito resolveria os problemas. evitaria reaktanz.  RX: estima a queda de tensão na linha através de seu modelo equivalente série,
composto de um valor de resistência e reatância.
composto de um valor de resistência e reatância.

4.1 o constitucional seria  wie bei alkohol  artikel 2, handel ok produ ok ,konsum eigene angelegenheit.   spruch von amendt.
Seguir o imperativo do estado de direito. Liberadade individual. Todo o resto vale: informacao, estimulacao, des-estimulacao, impostos, criar dificuldades, restringir os locais, as horas, as circonstancias de consumo, de venda ... tudo vale, menos prohibicao total.  
O mais engracado é que funciona melhor e respeita a liberdade e nao tem efeitos nocivos.  
=== Os Principios funcionam: o caso do cigarro ===
Você que olha e não vê

bloss nicht oktroyieren. persönlicher freiheitsbereich. sensible reaktionen.  
bloss nicht oktroyieren. persönlicher freiheitsbereich. sensible reaktionen.  
Zeile 104: Zeile 112:
4.2 aber saúde publica? na, como no caso do tabaco.  
4.2 aber saúde publica? na, como no caso do tabaco.  

Wenn der Staat sanfte Mittel einsetzt, die die Mensczhen als Subkjekte ernst nehmen, dann ok: Nudge.  
=== A teoria pos-moderna ===
Wenn der Staat sanfte Mittel einsetzt, die die Mensczhen als Subkjekte ernst nehmen, dann ok: Nudge. Impulso.  

steuererhöhung, Hinweise, nicht so cool argumente .... und siehe da: es funktioniert. der Staat hat eben auch andere Instrumente, und das Strafrecht ist nicht das effektivstre. Es ist mehr symbolisch eine Art Machtdemonstration, im Sinne von sehr her, meine Gruppe hat es geschafft, die eigenen Werte und Normen allgemeinverbindlich zu machen.  
steuererhöhung, Hinweise, nicht so cool argumente .... und siehe da: es funktioniert. der Staat hat eben auch andere Instrumente, und das Strafrecht ist nicht das effektivstre. Es ist mehr symbolisch eine Art Machtdemonstration, im Sinne von sehr her, meine Gruppe hat es geschafft, die eigenen Werte und Normen allgemeinverbindlich zu machen.  

5. o mais eng é que a solucao já está la p/todo mundo ver ... olha e nao ve .. tonga da mironga ..
=== Rights: Homosexuals ===
6. que diferentes, mais iguais, hjomosexxuais ...
declaration of independence kenna.
mit schwulen war das genauso.

=== Governance: Tobacco ===

tonga da mironga; declaration of independence kenna.

" Se as palavras  ' vida, liberdade e busca da felicidade ' não incluem o direito de experimentar com a sua própria consciência, então a declaração de independência não vale a pena o cânhamo em que foi escrita. " - Terence McKenna
" Se as palavras  ' vida, liberdade e busca da felicidade ' não incluem o direito de experimentar com a sua própria consciência, então a declaração de independência não vale a pena o cânhamo em que foi escrita. " - Terence McKenna

== Reste ==
*contrário às regras

Many people think the funniest thing about drugs is laughing your ass off when you are high on marihuana. When you are afraid of doing it yourself, you can watch people on YouTube who laugh their heads off while on grass (as pessoas rir-se-ão a bandeiras despregadas; Rir a bandeiras despregadas rir à toa; rir aberta e sinceramente, sem paragem, com muita vontade e prolongadamente.). That can also be funny.  
Many people think the funniest thing about drugs is laughing your ass off when you are high on marihuana. When you are afraid of doing it yourself, you can watch people on YouTube who laugh their heads off while on grass (as pessoas rir-se-ão a bandeiras despregadas; Rir a bandeiras despregadas rir à toa; rir aberta e sinceramente, sem paragem, com muita vontade e prolongadamente.). That can also be funny.  
Zeile 176: Zeile 172:
Victims of the War on drugs.  
Victims of the War on drugs.  

And the funniest thing is that we have a model in tobacco that is already in existence.
*A third group of people does not take drugs, never tried drugs, and doesn't like drugs. And they do not find it funny if other people take them, try them, or like them. They are not tolerant. And they want that their non-tolerance becomes law, and that everybody who does not share their norms must be punished like a criminal.  
eedom iamge of morality on everyoneprevention of harm. *A third group of people does not take drugs, never tried drugs, and doesn't like drugs. And they do not find it funny if other people take them, try them, or like them. They are not tolerant. And they want that their non-tolerance becomes law, and that everybody who does not share their norms must be punished like a criminal.  
*Now those people are funny in themselves: they think that their personal guidelines for their own lives should be made mandatory for the lives of all other people in the whole world. That is funny, indeed. It is funny "in a way". Only. Because if that kind of attitude became generalized, that would mean war. Because everybody would want to turn his own personal beliefs into the law for all: catholics would want to force everybody to be catholic, protestants would do the same for evangelical beliefs, and muslims would, too, and jews, maybe, too, and hindus and buddhists, and baptists, and everybody. Eaters of meat would want everybody to eat meat, and vegetarians would wage war against them, and vice versa. As the Italians say: the whole world would turn into a casino.
*Now those people are funny in themselves: they think that their personal guidelines for their own lives should be made mandatory for the lives of all other people in the whole world. That is funny, indeed. It is funny "in a way". Only. Because if that kind of attitude became generalized, that would mean war. Because everybody would want to turn his own personal beliefs into the law for all: catholics would want to force everybody to be catholic, protestants would do the same for evangelical beliefs, and muslims would, too, and jews, maybe, too, and hindus and buddhists, and baptists, and everybody. Eaters of meat would want everybody to eat meat, and vegetarians would wage war against them, and vice versa. As the Italians say: the whole world would turn into a casino.
*It is funny - in a way - when you do not see the difference between what is good for you (e.g. participating in the sao paulo marathon), and your own right to do what you feel is good you - and what is good for the rest of the world, and the right of others to do what they think is good for them. It is even funnier, when you do not only try to convince others that they should all take part in the marathon, but when you start pushing them, forcing them, to do that - under the threat of punishment.
*It is funny - in a way - when you do not see the difference between what is good for you (e.g. participating in the sao paulo marathon), and your own right to do what you feel is good you - and what is good for the rest of the world, and the right of others to do what they think is good for them. It is even funnier, when you do not only try to convince others that they should all take part in the marathon, but when you start pushing them, forcing them, to do that - under the threat of punishment.
Zeile 194: Zeile 185:
*The funniest thing is that we have the solution right here before our eyes. data. Hess.
*The funniest thing is that we have the solution right here before our eyes. data. Hess.
*Support Mujica etc.; Entschädigung für Opfer des Drogenkriegs. Gibt keine? Umschauen: Kleine Liste.  
*Support Mujica etc.; Entschädigung für Opfer des Drogenkriegs. Gibt keine? Umschauen: Kleine Liste.  

* Einzelfall und Zahlen: die Bedeutung der Drogenbestrafung  
* Einzelfall und Zahlen: die Bedeutung der Drogenbestrafung  
Zeile 209: Zeile 196:

Despite decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana four decades ago, New York State leads the country in marijuana arrests. The greatest racial disparities occur in Brooklyn and Manhattan, where black New Yorkers are over nine times more likely than whites to be arrested for possessing marijuana.
Despite decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana four decades ago, New York State leads the country in marijuana arrests. The greatest racial disparities occur in Brooklyn and Manhattan, where black New Yorkers are over nine times more likely than whites to be arrested for possessing marijuana.

* die gesundheitspolitische Lösung eigentlich schon existiert, und zwar ganz ohne Opferung von Menschenrechten und Rechtsstaat (Hess, Tabak) -  soft power and nudge statt Obrigkeitsstaat. (Campbell consumerism; Harari consumerism...).  
* die gesundheitspolitische Lösung eigentlich schon existiert, und zwar ganz ohne Opferung von Menschenrechten und Rechtsstaat (Hess, Tabak) -  soft power and nudge statt Obrigkeitsstaat. (Campbell consumerism; Harari consumerism...).  
Zeile 284: Zeile 270:
E que não paga pra ver
E que não paga pra ver
Vou lhe rogar uma praga
Vou lhe rogar uma praga

*[http://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/3/9/e003077.full Werb, Dan et al. (2013) The temporal relationship between drug supply indicators: an audit of international government surveillance systems. In: BMJ Open 2013;3:e003077 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003077 (formerly known as British Medical Journal; then BMJ; since 2014: The BMJ)]
*[http://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/3/9/e003077.full Werb, Dan et al. (2013) The temporal relationship between drug supply indicators: an audit of international government surveillance systems. In: BMJ Open 2013;3:e003077 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003077 (formerly known as British Medical Journal; then BMJ; since 2014: The BMJ)]
