Donald Clemmer

William Donald Clemmer (*1. Oktober 1903 - † 18. September 1965) was one of the first to study and document the psychological effects prison life can have on inmates. He is best known for The Prison Community (1940), in which he coined the term prisonziation.

He worked more than 15 years in Illinois prisons, in the federal penitentiary in Atlanta, Georgia, and in the Federal Bureau of Prisons, before serving as the first director of the District of Columbia's Department of Corrections from 1946 to his death in 1965.

Publications by Donald Clemmer

  • Donald Clemmer, The Prison Community. New York, Rinehart, 1958,
  • Donald Clemmer, Observations on Imprisonment as a Source of Criminality, 41 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 311 (1950- 1951)
  • Donald Clemmer, Hopeful Elements in the Correctional Process. 22 Fed. Probation 16 (1958)

