Diskussion:Against Prisons

Aktive Diskussionen

Stumbling blocks

  • "Some things just have to be prevented from happening, be it the spread of an infectious disease, or be it a serial killer’s hunt for his next victims". Can this really be compared? Woozle 10:12, 12. Aug. 2016 (CEST)
  • "what the abolition of prisons does not mean is to keep all those prisoners in prison and only change the name of the institution and its inmates to “hospital/patients”, “treatment center/clients”, or “prevention house/residents”. Fraudulent labelling is a real danger, because it is both seductive (as a kind of subversive resistance open to all those who are part of the system and who are either unable or unwilling to accept a radical de-institutionalization) and sometimes hard to distinguish from a valid label (e.g., a correct risk assessment). It is also a real danger, because today’s prisons are fulfilling a hybrid function of both inflicting pain on inmates because of their past crimes (= deprivation of liberty as a punishment) and preventing them from committing more crimes in the future (= deprivation of liberty as a preventive measure)." But is that not exactly what we do, when we call prisons "places of detention"? Woozle 15:06, 22. Aug. 2016 (CEST)
  • Can we title our paper "No Prison", if we want to abolish only "prison-for punishment" and not other prison-like institutions? Woozle 16:18, 22. Aug. 2016 (CEST)
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