Against Prisons: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Zeile 152: Zeile 152:

=== Prisons in Poor Countries ===
=== Prisons in Poor Countries ===
In poor countries, the typical situation faced by a prisoner is that of unfairness. Prisoners there feel they do not get what they deserve. When it comes to prison conditions, they feel they are the victims of an unbearable and unbridgeable gap between the law-in-the-books and the law-in-action. As a prisoner in a poor country, you will have a high likelihood of suffering from infectious diseases, from the lack of hygiene, from inadequate medical and psychological assistance, from unhealthy diets, and - most importantly - from lack of respect by undertrained and often incompetent, but bossy guards and semi-professionals. This is highly likely to happen in poor countries and in very poor countries, but, if that is a consolation, it would be very unlikely that you could escape such a fate completely even in a rich country's prison system. Because it's in the system.
In poor countries the same is true, but on a different scale. This is due to insufficient economic resources and the state‘s inability or unwillingness to secure even minimum standards of prison conditions. Because of the low salaries of prison employees, corruption is endemic. As a prisoner in a poor country, you will have a high likelihood of suffering from infectious diseases, from the lack of hygiene, from inadequate medical and psychological assistance, from unhealthy diets, and - most importantly - from lack of respect by undertrained and often incompetent, but bossy guards and semi-professionals. There are not many published reports detailling the psison conditions in poor countries. As a matter of fact, the UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture has visited the prisons of many poor countries, but ony few of them has agreed to the publication of the reports. Here is the summary of the SPT report for an African country, which is ranked 51st on Pasquali's list :

Still, one should not deny the special seriousness of the situation in poor countries. As the International Committee of the Red Cross noted (ICRC 2013: 24): 
15. Le SPT constate qu’en dépit de quelques mesures , la torture et les mauvais traitements demeurent répandus, favorisés principalement par un certain nombre de problèmes structurels et systémiques préoccupants, liés:
- Au faible respect des garanties édictées par la Constitution, les traités internationaux, les lois et règlements applicables au Gabon ;
:"Most governments struggle to give priority to the construction and rehabilitation of prisons and this lack of priority is reflected in the buildings and their location. Prisons with underground detention areas, accommodation areas with no natural light during daytime hours and those where the continuous use of artificial light does not allow a natural distinction to be made between night and day continue to be built. Buildings decay more rapidly than is necessary because routine maintenance is not carried out and this has an effect on prisoners and staff. - Financial cost is a critical factor in all countries. In countries which are resource-poor and have little funding  available  for public services, limited  resources are generally allocated to the building, operation and  maintenance of prison facilities. A costly backlog of repairs builds up because continuous attention cannot be given to regular and preventive infrastructure maintenance. This can overwhelm government funding. Continuous attention to regular and preventive infrastructure  maintenance is vital, however, and less expensive in the long term. Existing  prisons are often hurriedly modified  and  extended,  with inferior materials being used and the new structures failing to comply with recognized good practice, particularly in post-conflict environments. All too frequently, the fuel available for cooking is not that for which the kitchen (...) It is not uncommon to find smoke-filled, enclosed kitchens that were originally designed for  some other fuel that is no longer available and is now replaced by – often wet – wood."
- A l’absence d’accès à des examens médicaux indépendants et qualifiés et l’accès insuffisant des détenus à des soins médicaux appropriés ;
- A l’impunité et l’absence générale de responsabilisation des fonctionnaires de police et de gendarmerie ;
- A une indifférence généralisée à l’égard des personnes privées de leur liberté et une certaine résignation des victimes et du public en général;
- A l’impassibilité et le consentement passif des pouvoirs publics vis-à-vis des abus entre codétenus induits par le système d’autogestion observé dans les trois établissements pénitentiaires visités ;
- Aux mauvaises conditions matérielles et financières inhérentes aux lieux de privation de liberté qui entraînent généralement des mauvais traitements (et sont même, dans certains cas, constitutifs de torture).
THe situation is summed up the the words that "the situation of of the imprisoned personsis "extrémement préoccupant" (SPT Rapport sur la visite au Gabon, 2014).
One example of a poor country's prison system is Romania. In this country, prison conditions have probably always been dire - with sporadic attempts at reform being drowned in political turmoil, regime changes, economic crises, and the syndrome of general neglect so characteristic of most societies' low priority for this unpopular appendix of the criminal justice administration.
One example of a poor country's prison system is Romania. In this country, prison conditions have probably always been dire - with sporadic attempts at reform being drowned in political turmoil, regime changes, economic crises, and the syndrome of general neglect so characteristic of most societies' low priority for this unpopular appendix of the criminal justice administration.
Zeile 180: Zeile 186:
:"Russia’s prisons provide ideal conditions for the spread of TB, and act as a reservoir for the disease in Russian society. The impact of this fatal infectious disease is exacerbated by the spread of drug-resistant forms of TB and the dramatic increase in the number of HIV-infected people in Russia. The Russian authorities should undertake measures of prison reform as an urgent public health measure. This includes a dramatic improvement in prison conditions and a sharp reduction in the rate of imprisonment through recourse to non-custodial forms of punishment wherever possible" (MHG 2002).
:"Russia’s prisons provide ideal conditions for the spread of TB, and act as a reservoir for the disease in Russian society. The impact of this fatal infectious disease is exacerbated by the spread of drug-resistant forms of TB and the dramatic increase in the number of HIV-infected people in Russia. The Russian authorities should undertake measures of prison reform as an urgent public health measure. This includes a dramatic improvement in prison conditions and a sharp reduction in the rate of imprisonment through recourse to non-custodial forms of punishment wherever possible" (MHG 2002).

Because of overcrowding, unsafe water supplies, bad food, lack of medical assistance and hygiene (for women's prisons cf. Bozelko 2015), prisoners around the world and people who were formerly incarcerated have a higher burden of HIV, TB, MDR-TB and other infectious diseases than the general population. And from prison these infections are spreading into the general population, thereby worsening the general health situation of whole countries, if not continents (Beachum 2016). If the United Nations' attempt to reach its much-publicized millenium goals pertaining to the containment of infectious diseases by 2015 failed not least because of the world's prison systems' contribution to the quanitative and qualitative complication of global health.  
Because of overcrowding, unsafe water supplies, bad food, lack of medical assistance and hygiene (for women's prisons cf. Bozelko 2015), prisoners around the world and people who were formerly incarcerated have a higher burden of HIV, TB, MDR-TB and other infectious diseases than the general population. And from prison these infections are spreading into the general population, thereby worsening the general health situation of whole countries, if not continents (Beachum 2016). If the United Nations' attempt to reach its much-publicized millenium goals pertaining to the containment of infectious diseases by 2015 failed not least because of the world's prison systems' contribution to the quanitative and qualitative complication of global health.

=== A Violent System ===
=== A Violent System ===
