Widersprüche in der Drogenpolitik

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Maria Lucia Karam: Widersprüche zwischen Rechtsstaat und Drogenrecht

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Tabakpolitik und Drogenpolitik

The image of the UN as a benevolent organization is a crucial factor in the functioning of the global drug prohibition regime. From certain normative perspectives, however, particularly that of harm reduction, it is possible to identify the emergence of policy contradictions between what can be broadly defined as the United Nations drug control system and the core values of the UN as laid out in the Charter and other key instruments from which the UN derives its image of benevolence. Four interrelated areas of perceived conflict are discussed: sovereignty and jurisdiction; human rights; the promotion of solutions to international economic, social, health and related problems; and the maintenance of international peace and security. It is suggested that such a situation may undermine a key mechanism for regime adherence. There are some options that may exploit systemic contradictions and assist in instigating incremental change to the regime.

This paper reflects the ongoing development of gradualism, a drug treatment perspective that seeks to make use of the full array of effective, creative, and innovative harm reduction and abstinence-oriented treatments available to help addicted individuals move along a continuum from active/chaotic use to abstinence or moderation, as appropriate. The essence of gradualism is an emphasis on positive change and transformation as therapeutic goals. The paper first looks at manifestations of gradualism in harm reduction treatment facilities. Following this is a discussion of the role of identity transformation in the change process. The final section explores how contingency management or motivational incentive interventions could be used in harm reduction settings to facilitate this kind of therapeutic movement.