Lawrence E. Cohen

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Lawrence E. Cohen (* 1945, Los Angeles) ist amerikanischer Soziologe und Kriminologe.

Cohen machte 1969 seinen Bachelorabschluss an der University of California, Berkeley. Es folgten ein Masterabschluss an der California State University (1971) und eine Promotion in Soziologie an University of Washingtion (1974).[1] Cohen ist derzeit Professor für Soziologie an der University of California, Davis.[2] Er ist vor allem durch seine Arbeiten zur Routine Activity Theory bekannt geworden (zusammen mit Markus Felson).

ausgewählte Publikationen

  • Cohen, Lawrence with Michael E. Ezell. "Can a Leopard Change Its Spots? Continuity and Change in Criminal Offending Patterns Among Three Samples of Chronic Offenders." Forthcoming monograph (2004), Oxford University Press.
  • Cohen, Lawrence with Bill McCarthy. "Economic Crime: Theory" In Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice. Bernard, T. J. et al (editors) New York: Macmillian Press (forthcoming). 2003.
  • Cohen, Lawrence with Michael E. Ezell and Kenneth C. Land. "Modeling Multiple Failure Time Data: A Survey of Variance-Corrected Proportional Hazards Models with Empirical Application to Arrest Data. Forthcoming (2003) in Sociological Methodology: A Journal of the American Sociological Association.
  • Cohen, Lawrence with Bill McCarthy and John Hagan. 1998. "Uncertainty, Cooperation and Crime: Understanding the Decision to Co-offend," Social Forces 77: 155-84.
  • Cohen, Lawrence. 1997. "The Cynic's Guide to Human Nature and Crime Control: Why It Hardly Matters Which Theory You Use as a Basis for Holistic Crime Policy," Politics and the Life Sciences.
  • Lawrence E. Cohen and Marcus Felson (1979): Social change and crime rate trends: a routine activity approach. In: American Sociological Review, Vol.44, Nr.4, S.588-608. New York. [Volltext]

weitere Informationen


  1. Williams III, Frank P. & McShane, Marilyn D. Criminology Theory: Selected Classic Readings (2. Aufl.). 2015. S. 312. ISBN: 13-978-0-8704-201-6