Craig Reinarman

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Craig Reinarman (* 1948) ist ein US-amerikanischer Soziologe und Rechtswissenschaftler. Er ist emeritierter Professor an der University of California, Santa Cruz und zählt zu den Vertretern der Sozialwissenschaftlichen Suchtforschung.

Craig Reinarman, von 1989 bis 2015 Professor an der University of California Santa Cruz, wurde für seine empirische Langzeituntersuchung über die Lebensläufe von Kokain- und Crack-Konsumenten ("Cocaine Changes", 1992) und seine Kritik hegemonialer Drogenmythen bekannt ("Crack in America", 1997).

Der Mitherausgeber des International Journal on Drug Policy, von Drug and Alcohol Dependence sowie Contemporary Drug Problems, der auch die Buchreihe New Social Studies on Alcohol and Drugs herausgab (SUNY Press, 1988-1994), als Berater des Program on Substance Abuse der WHO tätig war und dem Direktorium des (von der National Academy of Sciences) gegründeten College on the Problems of Drug Dependence angehörte, erhielt für seine contributions to the defense of civil rights and liberties across a range of issues over many years in Santa Cruz, particularly with regard to the effects of the war on drugs on the Bill of Rights den Hammer of Justice Award der American Civil Liberties Union.

Reinarman ist über vielfältige Arbeitskontakte und gemeinsame Forschungen auch ein Kenner der niederländischen Drogenpolitik und verbringt seit geraumer Zeit regelmäßig einen Teil des Jahres in Amsterdam.

Craig Reinarman (mit freundlicher Genehmigung von C.R.)

Veröffentlichungen von Craig Reinarman

"Expanding Addiction. Critical Essays. Routledge 2014 (editor; with Robert Granfield)

The study of addiction is dominated by a narrow disease ideology that leads to biological reductionism. In this short volume, editors Granfield and Reinarman make clear the importance of a more balanced contextual approach to addiction by bringing to light critical perspectives that expose the historical and cultural interstices in which the disease concept of addiction is constructed and deployed. The readings selected for this anthology include both classic foundational pieces and cutting-edge contemporary works that constitute critical addiction studies. This book is a welcome addition to drugs or addiction courses in sociology, criminal justice, mental health, clinical psychology, social work, and counseling.

"Criminal Law and Cultural Lag: Drug Prohibition as Anachronism", in: H. Schmidt-Semisch, Hg., Die Sinnprovinz der Kriminalität. Zur Dynamik eines sozialen Feldes. Springer VS 2014: 67-78

"Crack in America: Demon Drugs and Social Justice," with H.G. Levine et al (University of California Press, 1997)

"Cocaine Changes: The Experience of Using and Quitting," with D. Waldorf and S. Murphy (Temple University Press, 1991)

"American States of Mind: Political Beliefs and Behavior" (Yale University Press, 1987)

"The War on Drugs" Oxford Encyclopedia on American Social History (Oxford University Press, 2012) with H.G. Levine

"Does Cannabis Cause Poverty, Too? Beyond the Malevolence Paradigm," Addiction 106 (2011)

"Medical Marijuana Patients: Population Characteristics from Nine California Clinics," Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 43/2 (2011), with H. Nunberg, T. Heddleston, F. Lanthier

"Signs and Shapes of a Culture of Tolerance: Ethnographic Impressions from Amsterdam," Sustain: Journal of Environmental and Sustainability Issues 21 (2009)

"Cannabis Policies and User Practices: Market Separation, Price, Potency, and Accessibility in Amsterdam and San Francisco," International Journal of Drug Policy 20 (2009)

"Policing Pleasure: Food Drugs, and the Politics of Ingestion," Gastronomica: The Journal of Food and Culture 7/3 (2007)

"5 Myths About That Demon Crack: The Supreme Court's Sentencing Problem." Washington Post, October 14, 2007

"Addition as Accomplishment: The Discursive Construction of Disease," Addiction Research and Theory 13 (2005)

"Crack in the Rear-view Mirror: Deconstructing Drug War Mythology," Social Justice 31 (2004) with H.G. Levine

“The Limited Relevance of Drug Policy: Cannabis in Amsterdam and San Francisco,” American Journal of Public Health 94 (2004), with P. Cohen and H. Kaal

“Cannabis Control: Cost Outweigh Benefits,” British Medical Journal 324 (2002)

“An 11-Year Follow Up of a Network of Cocaine Users, “British Journal of Addiction 84, (1918), with S. Murphy and D. Waldorf

“Social Organization and Differential Association: A Longitudinal Study of Violent Offenders,” Crime and Delinquency 34 (1988, with J. Fagan

“The Social Construction of an Alcohol Problem: The Case of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers and Social Control in the 1980’s.” Theory and Society 17 (1988)

“Culture, Cognition, and Disinhibition: Sexuality and Alcohol in the Age of AIDS,” Contemporary Drug Problems 14 (1987), with B. C. Leigh

“Causality, Context, and Contingency: Relationships Between Drug Abuse and Violent Delinquency,” Contemporary Drug Problems, 12 (1985), with J. Watters and J. Fagan

“Unemployment and Economic Crisis,” Berkeley Journal of Sociology 28 (1983)

“On the Cultural Domestication of Intoxicants,” in Intoxication and Society: Problematic Pleasures of Drugs and Alcohol, J. Herring, D. Weinberg, P. Withington, eds. (London: Palgrave McMillan, 2012)

“Cannabis in Cultural and Legal Limbo: Criminalisation, Legalisation, and the Mixed Blessing of Medicalisation in the USA,” in The Drug Effect: Health, Crime and Society, S. Fraser and D. Moore, eds. (Cambridge University Press, 2011)

“Law, Culture, and Cannabis: Comparing Use Patterns in Amsterdam and San Francisco,” in Pot Politics: Marijuana and the Costs of Prohibition, M. Earleywine, ed., (Oxford University Press, 2007), with P. Cohen

“Twelve-Step Movements and Advanced Capitalist Culture: On the Politics of Self Control in Postmodernity,” in Social Movements and Cultural Politics, M. Darnovsky, B. Epstein, and R. Flacks, eds. (Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1995)

“From Prohibition to Regulation,” in Confronting Drug Policy: Illicit Drugs in a Free Society, R. Bayer and G. Oppenheimer, eds. (Cambridge University Press, 1993)
